Extraordinary Ministers of Holy CommunionExtraordinary Ministers are asked to support the priests and deacon in distributing the Precious Body and Blood of Christ. The endeavors of this ministry stem from Christ's teachings at the Last Supper, when He implored us to serve one another. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communio are able to assist with distribution at all Saturday and Sunday Masses, as well as at weekday Masses if needed. They can be either male or female.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion also assist in bringing the Eucharist to our fellow parishioners who are homebound or temporarily unable to attend church due to disability or illness. Several members also assist the priests and deacon in the distribution of Communion to the Catholic patients at both Care One and Brightview nursing homes.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion must:
Be an exemplary Catholic
Be eighteen (18) years of age or older
Have received all Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Eucharist)